ECCVAT - The European Charities' Committee on Value-Added Tax:
Is a group of charities and foundations whose mission is to research the impact of VAT and other taxes on their work
Raises awareness of the special position of charities and foundations in the VAT system and how it treats them unfairly
Works to ensure that relevant legislative developments recognise and address their special position
Provides a platform for charities and foundations to exchange ideas, raise potential issues, and discuss future proposals
Since 1992, ECCVAT has lobbied and worked with the European Commission, the European Parliament and national experts, provided information to various consultations and participated in many conferences
Monitoring & information
ECCVAT monitors EU legislation and provides regular updates to its members of any relevant development. ECCVAT also offers the ability for members to exchange information on tax issues
ECCVAT’s work is based on evidence from independent research into the effect of VAT and other taxes on the work of charities and foundations as well as on its members’ experiences and feedback
ECCVAT offers consultations on VAT and other tax legislation which have the potential to impact the situation of charities and foundations
EP study on a statute for EU cross-border associations & NPOs
20 July 2021
Member States discuss VAT rates proposal
18 June 2021
Custom & Taxation EU Learning Portal
14 May 2021
VAT exemption for vital goods and services
12 April 2021