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AEF – Spanish Association of Foundations

C/ Rafael Calvo 18, 4º B, 28010 Madrid, Spain


The Spanish Association of Foundations brings together 835 Spanish foundations and its mission is to work for the benefit of the entire foundational sector in favour of its development and strengthening.


CTG – Charity Tax Group

Church House, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3AZ, United Kingdom


The Charity Tax Group has over 700 members of all sizes, representing all types of charitable activity. It was established to make representations to Government on charity taxation and has since become the leading voice for the sector on this issue.


PHILEA – Philanthropy Europe Association 

Philanthropy House, Rue Royale, 94, 1000 Brussels, Belgium


Philea is a network gathering a diverse and inclusive ecosystem of foundations, philanthropic organisations and networks working for the common good. Philea provides a platform to its members which can share knowledge, learn from best practices and engage in policy work.


EFA – European Fundraising Association

James Wattstraat 100, NL-1097 DM Amsterdam, Netherlands


EFA is a network of 19 member organisations from across Europe with the collective goal of working together to raise fundraising standards and to promote philanthropy and the work of not for profit organisations at the EU level.


EUROCOM – Gesellschaft für europäische Kommunikation e.V.

Brachvogelstr. 1, 10961 Berlin – Kreuzberg, Germany


euroCom, a German non-governmental organisation, works inter alia to help establish and develop the legal basis of NGOs, improve their administrative and financial situation, and promote their role.